Digital Engagement
Our task is to generate massive awareness and engagement for Betadine products. The challenges of this campaign is we had to unify and create one single communication campaign for a wide variety of products with different sets of audiences and backgrounds.
We notice during our research that some Betadine users are always carries the products on their bag. These users are also active on social media and have a wide variety of bag as collection.
“WHATS IN YOUR BAG” a simple yet satisfying social activities
that we proposed to Betadine, which our target audience are simply take a picture of their bag and everythings in it. The activation provides simple engagement towards the product, inducing pride of target audience bag collection, while creating a bond between users and product. This strategy generate various unintentional testimonial for all Betadine product range and meets the goal to remind the target audience the importance of Betadine product throughout their day.

Create the trend
Use KOL, buzzers, and socialites to show their bags and things inside to popularize the #WIYB and #WhatsInYourBag hashtag.
Own the trend

We create a new unbranded Instagram account, @wiyb.id,
to document this trend and use it as testimonial asset for our products, while regularly post new
contents of the activity.
Keep the trend

Through @wiyb.id account, we collaborate with some Indonesia’s famous bag designer to create an engagement that ask people to post a #WIYB picture that include Betadine product to win the designer’s bag.

For this campaign, we managed to achieve a great result:

Just in one month-period, @wiyb.id account managed to gain 4.185 followers. Through this account we also got high
enthusiasm for the engagement activity (345 submissions).
From the caption in audience’s post, we know that audience become more aware with betadine products and their
We are succeed to create #WIYB trend with 531 hashtag that reach over
8.2 million audience, which is 183%
achieved of our KPI.