Digital Engagement
Nowadays, Indonesian youths would prefer traveling overseas to domestic since it offers “exclusivity” and “privilege“ image, which often associated with higher social status. Accordingly, Indonesian Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) appointed Pensil Media to create digital activity, which can shift that paradigm and make local tourist destinations more preferred. Challenge accepted!
We create a movement that inspires youth to appreciate and explore Indonesia’s local tourist destinations through a campaign named #GakPakePaspor and tapped-in with Indonesian biggest meme community, Meme Comic Indonesia.
We started the campaign by spreading funny memes that highlighted Indonesia beautiful landscapes, and twist it in a fun way to make it more viral. To engage the audience,
we create a microsite, and give them the chance to win a free trip to Bali.
We also create an invitation video, deliberately using 3 beautiful foreign women who have been living in Indonesia for years as the talents, in order to depict the irony – while Indonesian travelers are looking to go abroad, foreigners are keen to visit and/or live in Indonesia –
which become Kemenpar’s concern

Spread fun memes about local destinations and emphasize hashtag #GakPakePaspor

Create an invitation video with 3 beautiful girls as the hosts in Bali. The video contains numbers that should be guessed by the user in the next engagement activity.

Create engagement microsite at Pesona Indonesia website. At that microsite, user needs to guess the number that randomly appears on the video.

The fastest participants that can guess the right number, win a free trip to Bali.
During the campaign, we managed to achieve a great result:

1.3mio total reach for our contents, 2,445 submissions during 2 weeks period of the campaign.
Website traffic: we managed to increase 4500 organic daily visitors in average, increasing 26% from previous daily traffic.
We got many positive feedbacks from youth about local destinations. When we posted our #GakPakePaspor memes, they also organically share their favorite local destinations.